Orora Visual COVID-19 Update

letter from Bob Firenze, President, Orora Visual

Orora Visual Team Members,

I am happy to report that all is well at Orora Visual. Our primary focus on safety, contingency, and redundancy measures across all our print production and fulfillment facilities in the U.S. has allowed us to assure that our business remains open and operating on all cylinders.

However, during these unprecedented and uncertain times, a business must continue to closely monitor the situation and prepare for all the possible scenarios to ensure that we continue to stay the course.

Recent news from both public officials and news outlets continues to paint a favorable picture of the decline of both cases and deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. Risks to your health and to the ability to operate the business haven’t changed yet, although we think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

A quick review of statistics shows the state of Texas spiking in COVID-19 cases over the past week to a high not seen since July 2020.  The anticipation of a relaxed view of the COVID-19 virus presents all of us with a sense of relief and hope of a more open and carefree society returning to normal and pre pandemic activities. The stability of the Orora Visual business, our commitment to our customers and clients, and most of all, the health and safety of our 500 team members throughout the country, remains paramount to any guidance or public statements addressing the appropriate precautions to minimize team member exposure to the COVID-19 virus.

As an organization, we will continue our aggressive disinfecting and fogging protocols, encourage all team members to practice the three W's of Washing your hands frequently, Watching your distance of a minimum of 6 feet, and Wearing a face mask or face covering throughout your work day. These precautions work. They work at our sites and they work in our homes through first-hand knowledge of measured decreases in both positive COVID-19 cases and close contact events.

The recent news of a relaxed government face mask mandate represents one piece of the complicated response to the precautions surrounding the COVID-19 virus. We encourage all team members to continue to practice vigilance, protect your personal bubble, and use common sense when deciding to interact with others, particularly those who may display symptoms of illness outside of work.

I look forward to the final sprint to the finish line allowing all team members to enjoy a healthy and safe lifestyle and continue to practice the necessary precautions to minimize the presence of the COVID-19 virus in the workplace as well as at home.

Bob Firenze

President, Orora Visual


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